Evolution Path

There is no other way and it is open to everyone, because it is within us, but the desire must be honest,
before you make the most difficult - first step.

Evolution Path

The God, light, thought, monad, atom, mineral, stone, plant, lowest animal, higher animal, person-animal, person, person-spirit, spirit and God

One Bible day is equal 4.32 billion years. Each such day consists of fourteen manwantaras and one Satya-yuga. As we are now only in the Kali-yuga of the twenty-eighth age of the seventh manwantara.

A monad (the being plan for development, his seed) lives on one planet. From the unconscious animal having the form of the person, there was a convergence process of an astral monad into a matter, bodies were being compacted and have appeared about 18 million years ago, at the time of Lemuria.

14 million years ago the Atlantis was born, 7.8 million years ago the Aryan race was born. We live when the process of the outcome of the solid matter was starting. And rare representatives from the Indigo race is begin incarnated.

Third world war

covid war

The third world war is the battle for human souls, and its danger consists in everyone takes part in this war. «Very many agreed to change their Divine essence by going through the procedure of so-called vaccinations. In fact, this was a rejection of the God-given image. Consent to change the structure of DNA. The rejection of the Divine code. People voluntarily renounced their likeness to God...

An appeal to the citizens of the USA


But we Russians are not going on anyone with war, only your actions and thoughts have long created for your own society so many problems that God is talking about the existence in the world, such continent as America.

Horoscope of Jesus Christ


Almost all astrologers accept the calculations of the astronomer Johannes Kepler, who calculated that the birthday of Jesus was in the 7th year BC Let's check if it is so.

Opening Chakras


Many people try to improve their health using various methods of yoga, occult practices: kundalini, chi-gun, the opening of chakras, etc. And they are completely reckless of consequences and serious dangers.

Morality and spirituality

Most people talk about high morality and spiritual development, but they don’t understand the fine line separating its.

The mistake of Gregorian calendar

Almost all calendars in the world are not made up by scientific reasons, but for reasons of the Church. Gregorian calendar mistake

Theosophy about history and religion

Too many people are very fanatical about religions, though nothing deludes the world bigger, than religious fanaticism and dogmatism, concerned with unessential religious questions; nothing brings to more curdling blood war and cruel persecutions, then this. To read completely part I

There is a big precipice between the doctrine which Jesus has brought into the world, and that doctrine which is being given now in Christian churches. To read completely part II

Astrological chart of the USA

If you ask any astrologer: "Where is an ascendant of the United States”? And everyone will tell you that under the Gemini, but there are no charts with Asc in Gemini. Why so?
USA horoscope

Modern medicine

How to live without health insurance

How the modern medicine treats disease

The problem of sex

It is a very serious problem because people live in full ignorance about sex even in the twenty first century. The problem of sex has arisen from the fact that the subject is difficult for understanding. Part I

And now we will talk about illnesses arising from misuse of sexual energy. Part II

Very often this quality is mixed with the sexual instinct, although the sexual act itself is not love. Part III

How the Bible was written

Too many people study the Bible. But the Bible is a book for the crowd. There is only 5% of the truth.

What is a dream

Dream is much more than just a simply rest.


What is impossible to live without

To become a chela

How Teachers of Wisdom accept chelas

Giza Pyramids

Secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids

About diabetes

What is the reason of diabetes Diabetes treatment

Harmful habits

This lecture about bad habits and its huge harm, not on human health, but on his evolution development, subtle bodies, and how people voluntarily turn into clones, which are replenishing day after day the garbage tank of our Universe.