Almost all calendars in the world are not made up for scientific reasons, but for reasons of the Church. And here the main priority is not based on the truth, but for the convenience of using the calendar, the correct calculation of religious holidays, their conformity with the days of the week and the Church canons. .
Just so, Apostolic rule №7 says: : "If any bishop, or presbyter, or deacon will celebrate the Holy Day of Easter before the vernal equinox with the Jews he will be deposed from the sacred rank." So there are three different Easter all around the world. The church wants only to celebrate the holidays, clergymen don’t want to know that “Ascended Masters do not celebrate earth holidays” Melchizedek.
The difference of one day between the Julian and Gregorian Calendars accumulate over 128 years and 68 days (128.1863). The Julian Calendar was introduced in the year 45 BC, Gregorian introduced in 1582 A.D. in Rome.
The advance of the Julian calendar was accumulated over 1627 years (1582 + 45 = 1627) for 12.69 days. (1627 : 128.1863 = 12.69).
In 1582 Italy and other countries adopted the Gregorian calendar, but the difference between the calendars was established not the 12 days, but only 10 days, because Pope Gregory XIII introduced the amendment - only for 10 days.
His task was not scientific research and great mind to return the vernal equinox to the top of an era. He wanted to calculate the date of Easter in accordance with the decision of Nicaea Council in the year 325. This mistake in 2 days was found in 1899 by Russian scientist D. Mendeleev.
Thus, the Pope multiplied confusion and the calendar issues became more complicated, but not simpler. For convenience of calculation and compliance of the old style days to the new one, it was accepted to recalculate the dates of the new and old styles by one century a day.
It is wrong |
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Besides, the counting of days became conducted from 1582, when the Gregorian Calendar was adopted by Rome. These new corrections introduced artificially the timing of European countries into account with respect to 1582. However, the European countries have adopted the Gregorian Calendar at different times. Russia, for example, has passed to it only in 1918. Computer astrological and astronomical programs work likewise.
It is easy to check. Look, for example the Sun entry in 0 degree of Aries in 1582, it was supposed be on the 11th of March, but in 1583 it was on the 21st of March (must be March 19th). It is right for coordinates of Italy and those countries which adopted the new style in 1582. For example, if you want to make a horoscope using coordinates of Moscow in 1799 - the vernal equinox is on the 21st of March, but must be on 12th of March.
It is time to return to the authentic, historic, scientific chronology, eliminating long-standing falsification in our culture. And when you are making a horoscope it is necessary to make appropriate amendments. For example, we take the year of the foundation of the British colonies in North America.
1607 + 45 = 1652 : 128.1863 = 12.88 (it is 12 days instead of 10, if we use the transfer tables). So, astronomers and astrologers must consider and correct their works using this rule.