What facts we have today

1. The Christian era begins, as we know, from the Christmas proposed by the Scythian monk Dionysius Lesser, and this decision was adopted by a decree of Pope John I. Dionysius said that Jesus was born in 753 since the founding of Rome, so the next year, according to the count of the Romans was the 1st of January in 754 and it was named as the first year of the Christian era. Dionysius used in his calculations the Gospel of Luke. The baptism of Jesus by John was: ”in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judaea, and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip tetrarch of Ituraea and of the region of Trachonitis, and Lysanias the tetrarch of Abilene” (Luk 3.1)
Tiberius became the second emperor and ruler of the Roman Empire from 14 AD and if Jesus Christ in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius was 30 years old, Luk (3.23)” And Jesus himself began his ministry being about "thirty years of age", so Jesus was born in the first year BC (i.e. a total of seven days before the zero year, thirty years is very vague - at least 28 or 32 years old).
2. Leading Theologians who study the New Testament consider the birth of Jesus was between 8th and 4th years BC. At the present time, none of the major Ministers of the Church claim that our calendar is counted from the birth of Jesus Christ.
3. Almost all astrologers accept the calculations of the astronomer Johannes Kepler, who calculated that the birthday of Jesus was in the 7th year BC, which are based on the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Pisces, supposedly such conjunction occurred when Zoroaster (3784 BC) and Buddha (623 BC) were born.
4. The birthday of Jesus at midnight 24th to 25th of December is accepted by practically takes almost everybody. Long before our era, almost all ancient peoples celebrated the birthday of their Sun Gods on this day. Adonis, Bacchus, Osiris, Apollon - were born on the 25th of December. Christmas comes during the winter solstice, when the days become shorter, and Darkness spreads across the ”face” of the Earth more than ever. According to the beliefs, "all the solar Gods were born at this time of the year, because from that day on, their Light growing stronger and stronger disperses the darkness, and the power of the Sun with every coming day begins to grow".
Let's check if it is so.
Many truths can be understood only when you are in solitude, at a certain level of spiritual development, free from the shackles of mass consciousness and all prejudices. "Science of the Gods can be taken only by force, it must be won, and not given itself." Dear readers, if You are not able to follow common sense, do not read further, please, in order to avoid the surge of negative emotions with the possibility of shock and even an infarct. You have been warned by me, therefore I am away from responsibility for possible consequences.
I. The history of the census referred to by Luke
Many researchers put trust in the Gospel information about the census, and they are based on this fact, take the year 7 BC as the year of Jesus’ birth. Luke (2.1)” And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria. And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) | To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child”.
Do you think it is normal that Joseph’s family went from Nazareth to Bethlehem for the census, to walk for 160 km? You would think they had no nothing else to do. But they were of ordinary working people, rather than the Roman nobility which were having many slaves who grew garden plants for them. And Mary, meanwhile, had been pregnant for at least 9 months, then how this distance they could walk in a week, maximum for the month. Is someone reading these terms, under such case, would go to the census even in a car? For this trip they should have a strong reason. Perhaps it was nothing like the persecution of King Herod.
During the reign of Augustus there were three Censuses in the Roman Empire: 28 BC, 8 BC and 14 AD (according to some sources - 7 BC and 13 AD). The census played a huge role, and August ordered to conduct it every five years in Rome for those who had Roman citizenship and were residents of Rome and more than one time in all the other provinces of the empire. Censuses were not held on a particular day, but distributed in time.
There is some information that Publius Sulpicius Quirinius (51 BC - 21 AD), became Procurator of Syria only about 6th or 7th AD and he was not the governor of Syria in 7 BC, but Augustus appointed him the Authorized person to lead to this well known census. There is an inscription in Latin on the stone found in 1764 in Tivoli (ancient Tibure) near Rome, but without specifying the date. The inscription avidenced a double reign of Quirinius. Even the researchers of the Gospels say that the word πρωτος in the proposal for a census (Luke 2.1) is not only "the first", but the meaning "before":

Such an explanation refers simultaneously to about two censuses and establishes their chronological relation. And if you use the translation that the census was before the first generally accepted reign of Quirinius, this could be up to 6 AD. This information is very contradictory, but it would be wrong to say for sure that the census didn’t take place.
II. How history is written
All these contradictions come from the politicians constantly interfering in the historians work and practically any history is written under the dictation of the ruling persons and classes. There is no secret that history has been distorted many times. The history of Russia had been written by Germans within their interests, M. V. Lomonosov struggled with this, but not too successfully. In the Soviet Union all the facts about the time before the revolution were distorted. At present everyone sees how the history of Ukraine is being written.
After Nicaea and Constantinople Councils much of the teachings of Jesus Christ were removed and the texts of the Gospels have been greatly distorted by "Holy Church". The historical documents about these facts are hidden from mankind forever, and probably we will never see the origin of the Gospel.
Not all those who speak about God are pastors. And instead of to serve the Truth, religious ministers or cult servants are doing everything to discredit true Doctrine. The Church established a monopoly on God. By what law does it do? Their basic idea is that to God one can only come through them, if you follow for all the Church regulations. And all the true mixes with the dirt, so this fact pushes away many sincere seekers. It is a pity that the Apostle John threatened, the scribes for the distortion of the "Apocalypse" too late: Rev (22.19)” And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this Prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book”.
“By cosmic measures it has been a very short time from the time that my Teaching was given. However, misrepresentations made by many people distorted the original sense, so much that even I can hardly guess the correct meaning of the phrases left recorded in the Gospels. My epistle was much broader than the interpretation my disciples were able to grasp and record. Subsequent editors kept distorting the text continuously. Many of them sincerely intended to convey the contents in a better way, naturally, to their understanding. Many provisions of the Teaching given by me totally did not fit in with other peoples’ concepts, and they were silently deleted. That’s why just three hundred years after my leaving the physical plane, you received the Teaching only remotely resembling the true Teaching given by me. For comparison I can provide an example of a candle and the sun. That is the proportion of the essence of my Teaching in the present Christianity”.
The argument just described in the words of Jesus Himself would be adopted not earlier than through two cycles of Jupiter from the time of this writing (in August 2015). There are other arguments - the works of H.P. Blavatsky, she hadn’t any education, but who gave us a huge amount of knowledge and information. That's at least 10 books, each volume as large the Bible, and these books are not detective novels. Where did she take it all? For Theosophists it is no secret that the real authors of the Theosophical literature, are precisely those Magi – Melchior, Balthazar and Caspar. But for many, this is not an argument.
The even Gautama Buddha warned his listeners "about the inadmissibility of forming opinions based on tradition or authority before completing the study of the subject"."Just as there are people, completely unable to study music, mathematics, etc., so there are those who are closed to certain areas of thought. His work will be distorted by critics, who, after having read three lines on the first page, two in the middle of the book, and the closing sentence, will proclaim it is "unreadable"; it will be mocked by the sycophants of science and the Church, it will be incorrectly cited by their lackeys, while the average reader will not understand its significance." Paul Zhibier.
And so, the best test of all historical events - is their close’ liaison with astronomical phenomena referred to in the documents. Using this rule, we will continue to.
III. The year of Herod’s death
The proof that Messiah was born between 8 and 4 BC is based on the information from the Gospel of Matthew (2.1), which states that Jesus was born during the reign of King Herod of Judea (the Great), (the most common date of the reign of Herod is 40 - 4 BC, but there is also 37-1 BC). Many authors of historical records were negatively disposed to Herod, due to his brutal, tyrannical activities, and of course, the percentage of objectivity cannot be proved.
Detailed descriptions of the life of Herod the Great are in the work of the historian Josephus Titus Flavius - “Jewish Antiquities”, where there are contradictions about the date of Herod's death. In conventional calculations, it turns out that his death was 4BC or 1BC.
Herod became the ruler after the capture of Jerusalem. «This destruction befell the city of Jerusalem when Marcus Agrippa and Caninius Gallus were consuls of Rome on the hundred eighty and fifth olympiad, the third month, on the solemnity of the fast, as if a periodical revolution of calamities had returned since that which befell the Jews under Pompey; for the Jews were taken by him on the same day, and this was after twenty-seven years time».(Antiquities of the Jews – XIV,chapter 16.4)
The 185th Olympiad was in 40 BC, and Pompey conquered Jerusalem in 63 BC. After 27 years, will turn - 36 BC. And while here, in the same sentence immediately there are visible contradictions, lets try to rely on the above mentioned rule.
And Herod died from 37 years after the beginning of the reign: «Then he had done these things, he died, the fifth day after he had caused Antipater to be slain; having reigned, since he had procured Antigonus to be slain, thirty-four years; but since he had been declared king by the Romans, thirty-seven». (Antiquities of the Jews – XVII, chapter 8.1)
Shortly before his death, there was an eclipse of the Moon «But Herod deprived this Matthias of the high priesthood, and burnt the other Matthias, who had raised the sedition, with his companions, alive. And that very night there was an eclipse of the Moon». (Antiquities of the Jews – XVII, chapter 6.4)
Josephus Flavius was not an astronomer,we can hardly believe that he had not the tables of astronomical phenomena, in order to write the history exactly according to astronomical events. But just as observant person, he expounded the astronomical events that were well known to all. But before the death of Herod there was a lunar eclipse (and this is a fact) and most probably many people had seen this eclipse – so it was a total lunar eclipse, because the partial eclipse looks like a regular moon phase and not everyone can see it. But in 4 years BC there were two lunar eclipses: first – on the 13th of March, the second – on the 5th of September and both were partial eclipses, and only astronomers could know about this fact. But in 1st year BC, there were two total lunar eclipses on the 9th of January and on the 5th of July.
Consequently, Herod died in the 1st year BC and Jesus could have been born before that date and not before the 4th BC.
IV. Star of Bethlehem
The astronomical event, confirming the birth of the Savior was the so-called Star of Bethlehem, mentioned twice.
Mat (2.1) «Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the East came to Jerusalem and ask(2.2) «Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews? We saw his star in the East and are come to worship him». About the Star of Bethlehem there have been written many versions and it is not necessary to describe all of them, especially none of them has added clarity.
Here are the main versions:
1. In 7 BC, there was the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Pisces repeating three times – on the 29th of May, on the 1st of October and on the 5th of December. The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter happens every 12 years in different signs, in Pisces it is once in 800 years.
2. In 6 BC, on the 26th of February there was the conjunction of the three planets: Mars, Saturn and Jupiter in Pisces. This conjunction happens once every 800 years. But that event was an astrological conjunction among the planets with 3°of longitude, Mars was in 27° Pisces, had a decline of -1.8°, Saturn was in 23°, declination - 4.9°, Jupiter 30°, declination 1.17°. In the sky these planets were visible as three separate spots (stars).
3. In 5 BC in Capricorn in the East there was a comet which was visible for 70 days.
Let's analyze the facts:
2. The Magi had seen the star two times, and the character of sight was different.
3. The first time the star was in the East.
4. The second time the star went before them.
Modern science denies the existence of divine spirit in nature and divine origin in man. The scientists are easier to accept the theory of the origin of man from a common ape and to see a brother in a dumb tailless baboon, than to acknowledge the glorious "Sons of Gods". Religious leaders showed "higher love" for their brothers by burning scientists at the stake and hunging them on the rack.
Any religious person, for example the theologian, evangelist, cult minister, churchman or simple believer is short of the Faith, so they ask God about something all the time. The one who has the Faith gives himself into the hands of the Lord. And so religious people cling to any straw (mystical miracle) to confirm the presence of God and adjust the facts or the astronomical events to holy Scripture. There is God and there is a Holy Spirit and one of the best of humanity Sons - Jesus has not left us up to this day. The astronomers are able to watch, but they do not use philosophical basis of astrology. The astrologers, it seems, do not watch the starry sky at all but use computers only. But, at that time astronomy and astrology, religion and science were inseparable in the persons of the Magi. So they could have predicted the birth of Jesus, using biblical prophecies (Micah 5.2) (Daniel 9. 23-27) and their own calculations, as they were wise men.
The fact that the Eastern sages found the baby Jesus not at once, because they went first to Jerusalem, to see Herod - says that the nature of the First Stars was not a mystical miracle or divine providence, or they would have found Jesus at once and there would not have suffered so many babies.
The second fact is there was no one else who had seen the star except for Magi - says that the star had a short-term but bright character, and the fact that this phenomenon was just not visible at latitudes of Jerusalem. Many amateur and professional astronomers in advance go to other cities to see the astronomical events which are not visible in their places of residence, it is a well known practice.
It has been already mentioned that the Magi saw the Star "in the East". The alternative translation is "at its rising", which means the rise of a star (or a planet) in the East in the morning rays of the rising sun (helical sunrise). Also, we can add to this fact that celestial objects on the horizon seem much larger than they are, actually.

On the 26th of August in 2 BC there was a very rare astronomical phenomenon - three large planets became close to each other so that they had sparkled in the Sun like one – the giant Bethlehem Star. The recurrence of such conjunction is calculated not in hundreds, but thousands of years.
Four planets were within 23° of longitude in the sign of Leo, and other three in declination: Mercury 22°, 16', declination (Dec.) 15.97°; Mars - 22°, 10', Dec. 15.342° and Jupiter 22°, 24', Dec. 15.182°; and they formed this gigantic star.

To provide visibility conditions of ascending objects to be visible at sunrise, it is necessary the planets are moving away at least 5° from the Sun. There was actually more than 7°. Besides, the Magi came to worship the "King of the Jews", (a star was in Leo) but not the Messiah (in Pisces, what many rely on).
After the wise men left Herod and “the star went before them”, “and stopped over the place where the child was”. This fact is already like a mystical miracle, but not an astronomical phenomenon. But any miracle - is a simply unexplained by scientific fact. Many people know that for human evolution of the Earth, the “Ancient of Days” is in charge, this is His name in the Bible (Daniel 7.9), and the same “Lamb” in the Apocalypse. But before Him and parallel with this the Council of Hundred Forty-Four oversees the human evolution. In order to work on the material plane, they are those who in Tibet are called -the “Gardeners of the Earth”. It was their ship which was seen as a star, and it "walked" in front of the Magi.
V. Jesus birthday
With regard to the year of Jesus birthday, we decided it was 2 BC, now we have to define the day of His birth. Could the Day of the Star of Bethlehem - be His birthday? But it is easy to answer, if you read the first Chapter of the Gospel of Luke concerning John (the Baptist).
John's father, Zechariah, was a priest and received his revelation of his son's birth on the Feast of Clarification, which falls on the 10th day of the seventh lunar month. And it was on the 21st of September in 3 BC (the year starts after the equinox, the seventh new moon that is 9.09, but the month did not begin from the new moon, but from the appearance in the sky of the lunar disk, and this as a rule is the 3rd lunar day, and Feast the celebration should be on Saturday). Nine months later it turns out that John was born on the 22nd of June. In the sixth month after the conception of John, there was the News for the virgin Mary about the birth of Jesus (in February it was obtained 5 months after the 21st of February began the 6th month), after which she went to Elizabeth and stayed with her for about three months and then returned home. So Maria at the end of February still wasn't pregnant, and on the 26th of August she could not be a mother, because the 9 month period was over in December. The Magi hardly know about this and after they had seen the Star, went to Jerusalem.
The day 25th of December was chosen by the fathers of the Church at almost random, according to the customs and traditions of the pagans to celebrate at this time the day of the Sun, especially if we take into consideration "that the names Jesus, Hebrew שׁ, and Apollonius or Apollo, are the same names of the Sun in the heavens."
The fact that Jesus was born in December, is already no doubt, but at what day, it is difficult to determine. James Ralston, Recalling Professor Saporta says:"The words of John the Baptist,"He must increase, but I must decrease, serve to prove, as it is affirmed by the fathers of the church, that John was born on the longest day of the year, and Christ, who was 6 months younger, on the shortest," – 22nd June and 22nd December, the solstices"
Many wonderful events of the "Old Testament" occur on the equinoxes and solstices, for example: the foundation and the consecration of churches and altars. And, as another evidence is no longer found, there is only the practice of astrology. Now let us calculate the day of the death of Jesus.
VI. The day of Jesus’ crucifixion
The apostle John mentioned in his Gospel three different Passovers during Jesus’ ministration. The first time was (2.13,2.23), the second time (5.1) and the third - (6.4).
The general rule for calculating the date of Easter, after the Council of Nicaea in 325 is as follows: Easter is celebrated on the first nearest Sunday after the spring full moon. The spring comes when the Sun enters the sign of Aries in the day of the equinox, then we calculate the first full Moon, which comes after this day and the first Sunday. But the Old Testament Passover started on the 14th day of spring month Nisan (Aviv), (full moon), which began in the ancient days from the moment of the appearing of the Moon. The date of the full Moon of the Old Testament is different from the date of the relevant astronomical full Moon for 1-2 days.
Therefore, Jesus’ ministration lasted at least 2 years plus the time until Easter or a maximum of over 3 years according to the Gospels. The fact that Jesus was crucified on the Friday before the Passover Sabbath, of no one doubt, see Luke (23.54), Mark (15.42), Matthew (27.62).
Also, there is no doubt about the fact that Jesus was crucified under Pontius Pilate, who was the Roman prefect in Judea from 26 to 36 BC. It means we need to calculate the date of Easter, which occurred on Saturday during the reign of Pilate. The Passover at that time interval happened at Saturday 4 times:
On the 23 of March in 26.On the 17 of April in 29.
On the 4 of April in 33 (on the 3rd of April there was a partial lunar Eclipse).
On the 31 of March in 36.

We know already the years of Jesus' birth and His Ministration, so it turns out that He was crucified on the 3rd of April in 33. Some researchers, taking into consideration the following:"Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour"(Matthew 27.45), believe that during Christ's crucifixion there was a solar Eclipse. Allegedly, the disciple of the Apostle Paul, Dionysius Areopagite (Acts.17:34) saw in Ethiopia the solar Eclipse on the 19th of March in 33 during that time.
First, look at the map of the Eclipse and it will be clear that the shadow of the Eclipse was far from Jerusalem. Secondly, Jesus was crucified the day before Passover and this only happens after the full moon. So, darkness all around the land, was obviously not from a solar Eclipse, although we can see that on the day of the crucifixion, there was an Eclipse of the Moon.
VII. The Natal chart of Jesus
Despite the fact that the place of Jesus' birth is also very controversial, I we need a point of reference, therefore, it is accepted that it was in Bethlehem. Some researchers, referring to the Gospel of John, chapter 8.56.,” Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad?", believe that Jesus was born in at least 12 BC. That's so we can talk about a man who was more than 40 years old. First, Jesus was wiser than any other elder. Secondly, all his life, he walked under the scorching Sun thousands of kilometers. Of course, he looked much older.
Still, I want to say, that such a person as Jesus is far above astrology. Do you remember the meeting between Gautama Buddha and an astrologer. Jesus was already born as an Avatar (he gradueted our Earth school and passed three initiations). And any Avatar incarnates for a specific mission. Jesus was a teacher, a spiritual leader, an ascetic and a preacher, so I put the Sun position in 30° of Sagittarius - the teacher of higher degree (this is degrees of Mercury, the occult degree, the spiritual leader), and it turns out to be on the 22nd of December.

A cursory look at cosmogram shows the configuration of the planets is named the "Big Square" - the person has a rigid framework, a large internal stress, implementing a lot of energy, great dynamics and rapid internal growth. This configuration is typical of people who realize their ideas all their life. Also, we see the cross that Jesus carried all his short life.
A short biography of Jesus: he much travelled and preached, was a teacher for 12 disciples, healed the sick and revived the dead. He was falsely accused by the priests and was crucified, then he rose on the third day (appeared to his disciples in a spiritual body).
Where must we put the Asc? Of course, the word an “intuition” is not suitable. From my personal experience I have noticed a strong correlation between Natal charts of parents and their children. For example, Asc or MC of a child are often in a conjunction with the Sun of father or mother, or their Moon is in the conjunction with Asc of their child, etc. I select the Asc in connection with the Sun of Mother Mary (September 21), and accept this version. Asc in Virgo means the most clean, pure. What about His conception - in the New Testament there are 85 times when Jesus is called “Son of man”.
The position of the Pluto is on the Asc, but in the XII house means - He was a great magician, with the touch of his hands He healed the sick and killed a tree that did not bear fruit. The Pluto in the XII House says about the one of the key points of His teaching is nonviolence.
The ruler of the MC and the second ruler of His horoscope – Mercury in the third house means He was the preacher. Saturn is in 27° of Genius, in the IX House and Jupiter in the XII – He was a spiritual teacher. He travelled a lot – the ruler of the IV House – Jupiter in the XII, the coruler of the IV House – Saturn is in the ninth House.
The conjunction of the Moon, Venus and Neptune in the second house - speaks about a great spiritual wealth. The ruler of the VI House is Uranus in Pisces, in the sixth House: His selfless service was unusual for people, He visited to any home, who received Him, and preached about the global brotherhood.
Chiron (the Lord of Justice) is in the Zenith in the tenth House: He was the a professional peacemaker. The conjunction of the Black Moon (Lilith) with the cuspid of the III House speaks about the betrayal of one of His disciples. And now we take the visual method of rectification using the table of aspects and the method of the direction – one degree is equal to a year (Orbis 1°).
And now we take the visual method of rectification using the table of aspects and the method of the direction – one degree is equal to a year (Orbis 1°).

1. Between Jupiter and Asc there were 15° - for all Jewish boys traditionally at the age not later than 16 years, it was necessary to choose a wife, but Jesus went on a long journey to the East, to India and Tibet.
2. Between the Moon and Mercury, 27.5° - this speaks about the change of place of residence (He came back from the East).
3. Between Saturn and MC, 28° and between Neptune and Mercury 28° too - Jesus began his Ministration in the "thirty years".
4. Between Mars, the ruler of the VIII House and the ruler of the horoscope Mercury it was 34°. It says that He was crucified at the age of 34.
The calculating of the lifetime
1. The ruler of the IV House (25° Virgo is the Royal degree) - is Jupiter in the XII House means 100 years old.
2. Subdepositor of the Asc is Jupiter again in the XII House - is 100 years old.
3. Alcoccoden or the ruler of the sign where is Hileg. Neither the Sun nor the Moon is the Hileg in this case, so we use as an Alcoccoden the ruler of the Asc - Proserpine in the II House - means 110 years old, or Mercury in the II House this gives 120 years. In all versions arithmetic gives at least 100 years. Why he died so early, see the following.
VII. Why was Jesus crucified?
I often wonder what was he crucified for?Why did he sacrifice his own head?
Perhaps, the enemy of Saturday
He bravely raised his voice against all kinds of rot? S. Esenin
Answer the question: "What for was He executed"? Jesus spoke about of many -truths that were not understood, for example:
1. A man’s enemies are his own household (Matthew 10.36).
2. Let the dead bury their dead (Matthew 8.2).
3. He wanted to destroy the Church (Mark 14.58).
4. Invoke to love your enemies (Matthew 5.44).
5. Man must be born again in the spirit (John 3.3)
6. He rebelled against the dead letter of the Sabbath (John 5.9).
7. He taught to solve problems using humility and non-violence ("turn the other cheek") Luke (6.29).
8. About the Kingdom of God which is not in temples, but inside the man.
Luke (17.20,21) Once, having been asked by the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, ”The kingdom of God doesn’t come with your careful observation, nor will people say, ‘Here it is’, or ‘There it is’, because the kingdom of God is within you”.
And, the main essence of His Teaching was that He showed the only right Path of evolutionary development: the internal Path, but not an external, to escape from the wheel of "Samsara" (the series of reincarnations) that the material world is temporary (illusory), and we have to prepare ourselves to transition into the world of the Divine, which is the true Home. And all that causes fear is unclear, it is declared as heresy, because it does not fit into the framework of existing concepts.
The religious leaders were not followers of the teachings of God, but only His fans, cult Ministers have never performed God Teaching, but only talked about it (now it is the same). But Jesus said that God is within each, and there is no need for intermediaries.
In His Teaching there is no place for the assertion of superiority of one person over another and all are equal before the Creator, and all are servants in the temple of the Lord, when doing His work selflessly and with love. And all this undermined the authority of religious leaders, because they killed Him, accusing Him of non-existent sins.
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