An appeal to the citizens of the USA

Ahur Mazda
Everything is not capable of assimilating New Consciousness, the principles of the Common Weal, Goodness, Cooperation and God’s Guidance, will be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Sanat Kumara
March 4, 2005

"If a cancerous tumour makes its home in a human body, a healthy organism starts to free itself of bad cells. Exactly the same principle works in this universe. If any human civilization concentrates only on the satisfying of personal interests and thinks only about enjoying this world, such a civilization is to be annihilated, just as a cancerous tumour can be removed by a surgeon". Sanat Kumara

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

I am a citizen of Russia and appealing to you, extending my friendly hand, with the calling to stop in order to think about what you're doing!


The American society is very practical people, merchants and businessmen. Money, business, commerce are the first priority for them. The best thing that you are able to do - is to sell something. And you not noticed as have already sold the most valuable thing that a man can have - his soul and conscience, you have sold it for dollars.

Do you think that the success came to the U.S. using your ability to sell something. Answer the question – what and whom does the Earth belong to. It lives not for money and has already had its Owner from the moment of the beginning of this creation, this is God and we exist only because of Him, but you have forgotten this thing.

«Neither governments, nor countries, nor separate individuals carry out the great transformations in the world. All the great transformations of the world have always taken place by means of the penetration of the higher energies into the world». (I AM THAT I AM, December 31, 2011)

And America became a rich country due to the fact that there was a man on this land who was able to conduct the Divine energy in the world - he was Mark Prophet. (He was Noah, Lot, Pharaoh Akhenaten, wise Aesop, Apostle Mark, Origen of Alexandria, Lancelot, Bodhidharma, Clovis, Muslim ruler Saladin, St. Bonaventure, Louis XIV, poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov, now Ascended Master - Beloved Lanello) . But the American society did not want to listen to God's Representative on the Earth, because you have your own God – this is the Dollar.

And now there is a person in the world who can carry out the Divine energy and lives on the land of Russia and the Russian people have accepted the Divine Messenger. But you're late in development my friends.

«Yet, I must say that there is nothing behind the entire so-called western civilization that might be needed in the future society. No matter how strange it may seem to you, I will tell you that both Europe and America have irrecoverably fallen far behind the people of Russia when judged by the level of their spiritual development and the level of their consciousness». (Beloved El Morya, June 9, 2005)

«Western Hemisphere lags behind in the level of their consciousness. And it saddens us. Especially we feel sadness when direct our gaze to the land of America. Huge potential of this country, unfortunately, still not directed towards evolution. The difficulty lies in the most nature of this nation. Because Americans can not admit that their country has not lived up to our hopes. And now it has to reform and find the strength and the desire to once again sit behind the desk and start to learn, learn new ways of thinking and new consciousness no matter from what country a new way of thinking and a new consciousness come to them». (The Great Divine Director, January 3, 2007)


You just can not believe your eyes – how it was possible without a single firing shot and without billions of dollars, such territory, as the Crimea became the part of the Russian Federation. And it happened, thanks to the will of the people of Crimea, Russians prayers and to the will of God's of course and your political intrigues are not logged. And our President has nothing to do with.

Let’s imagine for a moment that the people of Crimea wanted to be a part of America, you then would praise yourselves worldwide that you are wise politicians, and when you could not do it, you fling mud at Russia. Your government wanted to place military bases in the Crimea, but now there will grow bread. The people of the Crimea did not want to become the 52nd States, because Americans are no longer loved around the world and you should blame yourselves.

You have chosen your own god - the Power of the Dollar, but Russia - the true God, who lives in our hearts. You promote and even legalize violence, unconventional sexual relationship openly going against Divine Law, forgetting about the history of Sodom and Gomorrah, were destroyed by God as a punishment for the immoral sexual behaviors.

You may not teach Russia or other countries how to live. You don’t understand our country, because you have no spirituality, spirit and belief. During all the period of existence you have belittled people of Russia, our history and culture but magnify yours. You forget that the Russian squadron ships was staying off the coast of America during the Civil War between North and South to support the Northerners. It is enough to mix us with mud, stop please. Everything you do - it's only digging yourselves a deeper hole. We want to live peacefully with all countries, but this song is over 60 years sounds in every Russian city in the days of remembrance of World War II.